Bitcoin Decentralization: 5 Reasons for Success

Bitcoin Decentralization: We looked at the crypto basics that underlie Bitcoin and ended with the description of a simple currency called Scroogecoin. Scroogecoin achieves a lot of what we want in a ledger-based cryptocurrency, but it has one glaring problem—it relies on a centralized authority (Scrooge). We ended with the question of how to decentralize, or de-Scrooge-ify, this currency. Answering that question is the focus of this chapter.

As you read through this chapter, note that the mechanism by which Bitcoin achieves decentralization is not purely technical—it is a combination of technical methods and clever incentive engineering. By the end of this chapter, you should have a really good appreciation for how this decentralization is achieved, and, more generally, how Bitcoin works and why it is secure.



Decentralization is an important concept that is not unique to Bitcoin. The notion of competing paradigms of centralization versus decentralization arises in a variety of different digital technologies. To best understand how it plays out in Bitcoin, it is useful to understand the central conflict—the tension between these two paradigms—in a variety of other contexts.

On one hand we have the Internet, a famously decentralized system that has historically competed with and prevailed against “walled-garden” alternatives like AOL’s and CompuServe’s information services. Then there’s email, which at its core is a decentralized system based on the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), an open standard. Although it does have competition from proprietary messaging systems like Facebook or LinkedIn mail, email has managed to remain the default for person-to-person communications online.

In the case of instant messaging and text messaging, we have a hybrid model that can’t be categorically described as centralized or decentralized. Finally there’s social networking: despite numerous concerted efforts by hobbyists, developers, and entrepreneurs to create alternatives to the dominant centralized model, centralized systems like Facebook and LinkedIn still dominate this space. In fact, this conflict long predates the digital era—we see a similar struggle between the two models in the history of telephony, radio, television, and film.

Exploring Bitcoin Decentralization:

Decentralization is not all or nothing; almost no system is purely decentralized or purely centralized. For example, email is fundamentally a decentralized system based on a standardized protocol, SMTP, and anyone who wishes can operate an email server of their own. Yet what has happened in the market is that a small number of centralized webmail providers have become dominant. Similarly, even though the Bitcoin protocol is decentralized, services like Bitcoin exchanges, where you can convert bitcoins into other currencies, and wallet software (software that allows people to manage their bitcoins) may be centralized or decentralized to varying degrees.

In the context of Bitcoin, decentralization refers to the distribution of power and control over the network among its users, rather than centralizing control in a single entity or organization. However, as mentioned, decentralization is not an all-or-nothing concept. While the Bitcoin protocol itself is decentralized, other services such as exchanges and wallet software may be centralized or decentralized to varying degrees.

Understanding Centralized and Decentralized Services in the Bitcoin Ecosystem

For example, Bitcoin exchanges are often centralized, meaning they are operated by a single entity that facilitates the trading of bitcoins and other currencies. This centralization can make exchanges vulnerable to hacking and other security risks, as well as issues with transparency and accountability.

On the other hand, there are also decentralized exchanges, which operate on blockchain technology and do not rely on a central authority or third-party to facilitate trades. These exchanges provide greater security, privacy, and transparency to traders, as well as reducing the potential for hacking or other security risks.

Similarly, Bitcoin wallet software can also be centralized or decentralized. Centralized wallet software is operated by a single entity and stores users’ private keys on their servers, while decentralized wallet software gives users complete control over their private keys and allows them to store their bitcoins offline or on their own devices.

Overall, the level of decentralization in the Bitcoin ecosystem can vary depending on the specific service or application being used. It is important for users to consider the trade-offs between centralized and decentralized options when choosing which services to use.


5 Reasons Why Bitcoin Decentralization Is Key to Its Success

let’s break down the question of how the Bitcoin protocol achieves decentralization into five more specific questions:

1. Who maintains the ledger of transactions?
2. Who has authority over which transactions are valid?
3. Who creates new bitcoins?
4. Who determines how the rules of the system change?
5. How do bitcoins acquire exchange value?

The first three questions reflect the technical details of the Bitcoin protocol —these three questions are the focus of this chapter.

Different aspects of Bitcoin fall on different points on the centralization/decentralization spectrum. First, the peer-to-peer network is close to purely decentralized, since anybody can run a Bitcoin node, and the entry barrier is fairly low. You can go online and easily download a Bitcoin client and run a node on your laptop or your desktop. Currently there are several thousand such nodes. Second, Bitcoin mining, is technically also open to anyone, but it requires a high capital cost.

As a result, the Bitcoin mining ecosystem has a high degree of centralization or concentration of power. Many in the Bitcoin community see this as quite undesirable. Third, Bitcoin nodes run updates to the software, which has a bearing on how and when the rules of the system change. One can imagine that there are numerous interoperable implementations of the protocol, as with email. But in practice, most nodes run the reference implementation, and its developers are trusted by the community and have a lot of power.


We’ve discussed, in a generic manner, centralization and decentralization.
Let’s now examine decentralization in Bitcoin at a more technical level. A key term that comes up throughout this discussion is consensus, specifically, distributed consensus. The key technical problem to solve in building a distributed e-cash system is achieving distributed consensus. Intuitively, you can think of our goal as decentralizing Scroogecoin, the hypothetical currency discussed.

Distributed consensus has various applications, and it has been studied for decades in computer science. The traditional motivating application is reliability in distributed systems. Imagine you’re in charge of the backend for a large social networking company, such as Facebook. Systems of this sort typically have thousands or even millions of servers, which together form a massive distributed database that records all actions that happen in the system. Each piece of information must be recorded on several different nodes in this backend, and the nodes must be in sync about the overall state of the system.

Distributed consensus protocol

The implications of having a distributed consensus protocol reach far beyond this traditional application. If we had such a protocol, we could use it to build a massive, distributed key-value store that maps arbitrary keys, or names, to arbitrary values. A distributed key-value store, in turn, would enable many applications. For example, we could use it to build a distributed domain name system, which is simply a mapping between humanly intelligible domain names and IP addresses. We could build a public key directory, which is a mapping between email addresses (or some other form of real-world identity) and public keys.

That’s the intuition of what distributed consensus is, but it is useful to provide a technical definition, as this will help us determine whether a given protocol meets the requirements.

Distributed consensus protocol. There are n nodes that each have an input value. Some of these nodes are faulty or malicious. A distributed consensus protocol has the following two properties:
• It must terminate with all honest nodes in agreement on the value.
• The value must have been generated by an honest node.


What does this mean in the context of Bitcoin? To understand how distributed consensus works in Bitcoin, remember that Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer system. When Alice wants to pay Bob, what she actually does is broadcast a transaction to all Bitcoin nodes that make up the peer-to-peer network.

Understanding Bitcoin Decentralization: Benefits, Security, and Privacy

Bitcoin Decentralization refers to the process of distributing power and control over the Bitcoin network among its users rather than being centralized in any single entity or organization. This decentralized nature is achieved through the use of blockchain technology and the consensus mechanism that ensures the validity of transactions without the need for a central authority.

The decentralization of Bitcoin allows for greater security, transparency, and privacy, making it a popular digital currency among those seeking an alternative to traditional banking and financial systems. Unlike traditional currency, which is controlled by a central authority such as a government or financial institution, the decentralized nature of Bitcoin ensures that no single entity can control the flow of the currency or manipulate its value.

In addition to the benefits of security, transparency, and privacy, Bitcoin decentralization also provides users with greater control over their funds. Since there is no central authority to authorize transactions or freeze accounts, users have complete control over their money, allowing them to send and receive funds without the need for intermediaries.


The decentralization of Bitcoin has been a fundamental aspect of its success and resilience as a digital currency. By design, Bitcoin operates on a decentralized network, meaning that there is no central authority or control over the currency, making it resistant to censorship, manipulation, and corruption.

This decentralization is achieved through a network of independent nodes that validate transactions, ensuring that the network operates in a fair and transparent manner. Additionally, the process of mining, which secures the network and verifies transactions, is open to anyone, making it a truly decentralized system that is owned and operated by its users.

While Bitcoin’s decentralization has been a core feature, it has also presented some challenges, such as the potential for a 51% attack, where a group of miners could gain control of the network. Nevertheless, the Bitcoin community has continuously worked to strengthen the network’s decentralization, ensuring its long-term viability as a decentralized digital currency.